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Literally Thousands of Women Online

I could hardly believe it the first time I saw it and thought it was just bullshit when the Cambb site showed thousands of performers online. I went to the female section ( and clicked on one after another, opening their chat rooms and sure as fuck they were active. Sure, occasionally one would have […]

There’s Always Room for More

Have you ever been in a situation where you show up at a party, or maybe at the bar or club, and everyone is already paired up? Like it seems like every single eligible female has a dude on her arm by the time you got there, and you are just looking around trying to […]

Hot Babes Want You for NSA Fun

Live sex cams & chats aren’t necessarily everyone’s favorite. I think it’s because regular porn requires zero interaction. It’s completely an observer’s sport. But that’s part of the problem for me. I was always told I was “too sensitive” growing up. Maybe I just like having a connection with people sometimes? I like to be […]